Indigenous Studies Working Group Statement
Sonya Atalay, William Lempert, David Delgado Shorter, Kim TallBear
American Indian Culture and Research Journal (2021) 45 (1): 9–18.
Publication year: 2021
Close Encounters of the Colonial Kind
Kim TallBear
American Indian Culture and Research Journal (2021) 45 (1): 157–167.
Publication year: 2021

An Introduction to Settler Science and the Ethics of Contact
David Delgado Shorter, Kim TallBear
American Indian Culture and Research Journal (2021) 45 (1): 1–8.
Publication year: 2021

Identity is a Poor Substitute for Relating: Genetic Ancestry, Critical Polyamory, Property, and Relations
Kim TallBear
Critical Indigenous Studies Handbook. Routledge, 2021: 467-478
Publication year: 2020

Caretaking Relations, Not American Dreaming
Kim TallBear
Vol 6 No 1 (2019): Kalfou: A Journal of Comparative and Relational Ethnic Studie
Publication year: 2019

TallBear, Kim. “Beyond the Life/Not Life Binary: A Feminist-Indigenous Reading of Cryopreservation, Interspecies Thinking and the New Materialisms.” In Joanna Radin and Emma Kowal, eds., Cryopolitics
TallBear, Kim. “Beyond the Life/Not Life Binary: A Feminist-Indigenous Reading of Cryopreservation, Interspecies Thinking and the New Materialisms.” In Joanna Radin and Emma Kowal, eds., Cryopolitics
TallBear, Kimberly
MIT Press
Publication year: 2017

TallBear, Kim. “Dear Indigenous Studies, It’s Not Me, It’s You. Why I Left and What Needs to Change.” In Aileen Moreton-Robinson, ed. Critical Indigenous Studies: Engagements in First World Locations
TallBear, Kim. “Dear Indigenous Studies, It’s Not Me, It’s You. Why I Left and What Needs to Change.” In Aileen Moreton-Robinson, ed. Critical Indigenous Studies: Engagements in First World Locations
TallBear, Kim
Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 2016: 69-82
Publication year: 2016

Dossier: Theorizing Queer Inhumanisms: An Indigenous Reflection on Working Beyond the Human/Not Human
TallBear, Kim
GLQ: A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies, Vol. 21(2-3), 2015: 230-235
Publication year: 2015

The Emergence, Politics, and Marketplace of Native American DNA
TallBear, Kim
The Routledge Handbook of Science, Technology, and Society, eds. Daniel Lee Kleinman and Kelly Moore. London: Routledge, 2014: 21-37
Publication year: 2014
Standing With and Speaking as Faith: A Feminist-Indigenous Approach to Inquiry
TallBear, Kim
Journal of Research Practice, 10(2), 2014
Publication year: 2014

Tribal Housing, Co-Design & Cultural Sovereignty
Edmunds, David S., Ryan Shelby, Angela James, Lenora Steele, Michelle Baker, Yael Valerie Perez, and Kim TallBear
Science, Technology & Human Values 38 (6) (2013): 801-828.
Publication year: 2013

Native American DNA: Tribal Belonging and the False Promise of Genetic Science
TallBear, Kim
Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press
Publication year: 2013
Genomic Articulations of Indigeneity
TallBear, Kim
Social Studies of Science 43(4) (August 2013): 509-534
Publication year: 2013

Your DNA is Our History.” Genomics, Anthropology, and the Construction of Whiteness as Property
Reardon, Jenny and Kim TallBear
Current Anthropology53(S12) (April 2012): S233-S245
Publication year: 2012

The Illusive Gold Standard in Genetic Ancestry Testing
Lee, S. S-J., D. Bolnick, T. Duster, P. Ossorio, and K. TallBear.
Science 325 (5943) (July 3, 2009): 38-39
Publication year: 2009

“Commentary” (on Decoding Implications of the Genographic Project for Archaeology and Cultural Heritage)
TallBear, Kimberly
International Journal of Cultural Property 16 (2009): 189-192
Publication year: 2009

The Science and Business of Genetic Ancestry
Bolnick, Deborah A., Duana Fullwiley, Troy Duster, Richard S. Cooper, Joan H. Fujimura, Jonathan Kahn, Jay Kaufman, Jonathan Marks, Ann Morning, Alondra Nelson, Pilar Ossorio, Jenny Reardon, Susan M. Reverby, and Kimberly TallBear
Science, 318(5849) (October 19, 2007): 399-400
Publication year: 2007

Narratives of Race and Indigeneity in the Genographic Project
TallBear, Kimberly
Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics, Vol. 35(3) (Fall 2007): 412-424
Publication year: 2007
This Stretch of the River
Howe, Craig and Kimberly TallBear, eds.
Sioux Falls, SD: Oak Lake Writers Society & Pine Hill Press
Publication year: 2006

“DNA, Blood and Racializing the Tribe,” In ‘Mixed Race’ Studies: A Reader, edited by Jayne O. Ifekwunige
TallBear, Kimberly
London and New York: Routledge, 2004. First published in Wicazo Sá Review Vol. 18(1) (2003): 81-107
Publication year: 2003